Australian Engineering College Pty Ltd (referred as “AEC”)

1. Complete all sections using BLOCK LETTERS.

2. Attach supporting documents, including copies of your passport and academic documents.

3. Students will be charged AUD $250.00 (non-refundable) Application Fee.

1. Personal Details (Please choose by placing an X in the boxes that apply to you)

Date of Birth: [Day/month/year]
Country of Birth
Given Names

* Please write the name that you used when you applied for your Unique Student Identifier (USI), including any middle names. If you do not yet have a USI and want Australian Engineering College (AEC) to apply for a USI on your behalf, you must write your name, including any middle names, exactly as written in the identity document that you choose to use for this purpose. See section on the USI at the end of this form for a detailed.

2. English Language Proficiency

Do you speak a language other than English at home?
How well do you speak English?
Was English the language of instruction in your secondary/tertiary studies?
Have you taken the English language test in the last two (2) years e.g. IELTS, PTE, TOEFL or equivalent (if yes please indicate name of test and score)?
Test Name
Score Achieved
Not Required. I am from (please tick)

*Please note that all the students must undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test before the course commencement at Australian Engineering College.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy test will be conducted on campus by using LLN robot under the supervision of a qualified assessor prior to the commencement.

Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait origin, mark both ‘Yes’ boxes)
Department of Home Affairs (DHA) Office where you applied for your VISA
if onshore, please specify
Do you have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) Number? Unique Student Identifier (USI):
if others, please specify

Please note that from 1 January 2015, Australian Engineering College can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment when you complete your course, if you do not have a USI. In addition, we are required to include your USI in the data we submit to NCVER. If you have not yet obtained a USI, you can apply for it directly at

Note: Students are required to read Unique Student Identifier (USI) information provided below in “Appendix 3” if student authorises AEC to apply for a Unique Student Identifier. Students will be required to fill up the USI Application form during induction prior to course commencement.

3. Contact Details

Address (Home Country)
Post Code
Phone Number
Residential Address (Australia)
Post Code
Phone no (home):
Phone work:
Mobile no:
Postal Address in Australia (if different from Residential)
Post Code
Preferred method
Emergency Contact Details
Name of the person:
Relationship to you:
Mobile/ phone no:
Email Id:

4. Passport Details

Passport no:
Passport Expiry Date:
Country and place of passport issue:

5. Visa Details (if applicable)

Visa Type:
VISA Subclass:
VISA Number:
VISA Expiry date:

6. Education Agent

Did you choose any Education Agent? If yes, please fill in the details of the agent referred
Name of the Agent:
Agent Stamp (if applicable)

7. Overseas Student Health Cover

OSHC Arranged
Part A-Insurer Details
Name of the Insurer:
Member Number:
Date of expiry:
Part B

1. The Australian Government requires all persons entering Australia on a Student Visa to have OSHC.

2. Please refer to the link provided for information on the length of your OSHC -

Note: AEC does not apply for OSHC on behalf of students. Students are required to arrange their own health cover.

However, AEC can assist students in arranging their own OSHC. Please contact AEC for assistance in arranging OSHC.

8. Disability Status (Please choose by placing an X in the boxes that apply to you)

Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition?
If you indicate the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list: You may indicate more than one area:
if others, please specify
If yes, do you require additional assistance because of this disability or any other support need during your study?
Please provide details of what support you will require during you study:

9. Course Selection (Please choose by placing an X in the boxes that apply to you)

Please be advised that as part of the application process, you will be required to fill up pre-training review form that needs to be submitted along with the application form.

Please be advised that as part of the application process you will be required to do a pre-training review (Appendix 1).

Intake Applying for:
Please tick
Course Code and NameCRICOS
Course Code
Study PeriodsDuration (Weeks)
Including holiday breaks)
ICT60220 - Advanced Diploma of Information Technology112436G9 (10 weeks each)104 Weeks (including 14 weeks holiday break)
RII60520 - Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design112437F9 (10 weeks each)104 Weeks (including 14 weeks holiday break)
BSB50820 - Diploma of Project Management112435H5 (10 weeks each)58 weeks (including 8 weeks holiday break)
FNS40222 - Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping112434J3 (10 weeks each)36 weeks (including 6 weeks holiday breaks)

Material Fees:

For all the qualifications mentioned above, Material Fees will only include printed reading materials and handouts provided by the college.

Material provided for FNS40222 - Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping - Access to MYOB student version software.

Material provided for RII60520 Qualification: Access to computers with required resources including access to internet, Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs selected from including AUTOCAD, Civil 3D, Revit and Microsoft Project.

Delivery Mode:

For all the courses mentioned above, training will be conducted face to face in a classroom and practical training with access to simulated environment.

Delivery Location:

Classroom - Suite 1, Level 5, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Simulated Accounting environment – Accounting Room for accounting courses- Suite 1, Level 5, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

IT Lab for IT and project management courses: Suite 1, Level 5, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Software provided for Civil Construction and Design students.

Please Note: Students are required to attend a minimum 20 scheduled course contact hours per week.

Details of course information can also be found on AEC’s website: or can be made available at the reception.

10. Previous qualification achieved (PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK, IT’S MANDATORY)

Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications in Australia or hold any overseas qualification? If yes, tick any of the below boxes:
if others, please specify:

11. Qualification details:

Name of the Institute:
Year Awarded
In the case of overseas qualification, has the qualification been assessed as equivalent to an Australian qualification?

Attach documentation including copies of all academic records. Academic records not in English must also be accompanied by a translated copy. If you believe you have relevant work experience, attach details and documentation (e.g. employer reference, curriculum vitae, etc.)

12. Schooling

What is your highest completed Institute level? (Tick ONE box only)
Are you still enrolled in secondary or senior secondary education?

13. Employment

Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
Which of the best describes your employment sector?

14. Recognition of Prior Learning/Credit Application

Would you like to make an application for RPL/ Credit transfer?

If you are seeking credit transfer/recognition of prior learning, you must attach translated (English) copies of the course outline/syllabus and other relevant documents such as academic transcripts, graduation certificates, grading system information, etc., so that AEC can assess your eligibility for credit recognition. Also attach copies of previous relevant qualifications or experience. Complete the RPL/CT Form available online at AEC’s website or at AEC reception.

15. Accommodation Requirements

Do you require assistance in finding accommodation options?
If yes, please specify below.
What type of accommodation arrangements would you like?

Please note that AEC’s Student Support officer can assist students in finding accommodation by conducting an online search, suggesting accommodation sites, real estate agents in a particular area, however, AEC doesn't provide accommodation to its students.

Do you require assistance for Airport pickup?

AEC can provide airport pick up. Students will be required to fill the Airport Pick up form available on AEC website or students can email their request for Airport pick up at Students are requested to contact the institute at 03 9088 6440 prior to 5 working days of their arrival. Airport pick up fees: AU$100. There is a help desk available at the airport for international students to assist students in finding suitable airport pick up services e.g., UBER and taxi services.

Any other additional information:

16. Marketing

How did you find out about this course?
Other, specify

17. Payment Details

Payment Details
Account Name:Australian Engineering College
Account Number:1076 4426
BSB Account No:063-009
Swift Code:CTBAAU2S
Bank Name:Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Bank Address:221 William Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3000

18. Application Checklist

NOTE: Australian Engineering College is required to report student to the Department of Home Affairs based on unsatisfactory course progress for two consecutive study periods. Students must maintain competency in 50% or more units for satisfactory course progress in each study period and attend their classes regularly as the attendance and course progress will be monitored regularly. Detailed information on Attendance and Course progress can be found on Attendance and Course Progress Policy available on AEC’s website or student handbook.

All prospective students are required to familiarise themselves with the Enrolment policy and procedures of AEC (available inside the Enrolment Kit) and read the student handbook for detailed information about the campus, facilities, equipment, learning resources, fee payable and fee payment, grounds on which enrolment may be deferred, suspended or cancelled, course progress and attendance requirements, complaints and appeals, AEC policies and procedures etc. This will be available on AEC’s website or can be made available at the reception

Student Declaration and Consent


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Maximum file size: 3 GB
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Maximum file size: 5 MB

Pre-Training Review (PTR)

Pre-Training Review (PTR) is conducted prior to the enrolment into your course of studies to ensure that the training and assessment provided by Australian Engineering College (AEC) is able to meet the student’s individual needs.

Before we make an offer, AEC is required to review the student’s current competencies, student needs, English level, support requirements and oral communication skills, in order to enrol them in the most appropriate course to achieve their intended outcomes.

Guidelines for PTR

  1. Students are required to fill up this PTR form and submit it with this application form.
  2. Students are required to read all the details of their course, policies and procedures of the Institute before filling up the answers and complete all the answers of this PTR form in a true and correct manner.
  3. Enrolment officer will conduct PTR Interview via Telephonic Conversation or via Face to Face.
  • PTR Interview conducted via Telephone (for onshore and off-shore students)-If PTR Interview is conducted via telephone, Enrolment officer will call the student and check student’s identity like name, date of birth and/or course undertaken to ensure that the student has genuinely completed the information by himself/herself. For telephonic Conversation, a communication log will be retained as an evidence of student declaration in lieu of the student’s physical signature e.g., through E-mail, call notes, etc. Response of the discussion will be recorded by the Enrolment officer.
  • PTR Interview conducted Face to Face(for onshore students)- During face-to-face PTR interview, Enrolment officer will verify with the student if all the answers have been completed by the student. Discussion notes will be maintained and recorded by Enrolment Officer.
  1. During both Telephonic and/or Face to face PTR Interview, Enrolment officer will verify the answers provided by the student and check:
  • if the student is aware of the policies, procedures and other information necessary for the students.
  • if the student has received true and accurate information and if they are suitable to undertake the course/s.
  1. Enrolment officer will ensure that PTR form received along with the application form is completed by the student intending to apply for the course.
  2. If students have not received sufficient information i.e., are not aware of the policies, procedures and other information necessary for students to make enrolment decision to study at AEC, Enrolment officer will provide necessary information to the student required to make enrolment decision.
  3. For example: If students have answered “No” or have not answered the questions in the PTR form, Enrolment officer will provide students with true and accurate information so that students can make an informed decision about their enrolment in the course undertaken at the institute.
  4. While conducting PTR, Enrolment officer will take information from the Application form and Pre training review form to identify any support and needs required by the student which includes (but is not limited to) disability support, RPL/CT, English language support, etc.
  5. At the final stage of the PTR, the Enrolment officer will fill up the pre training evaluation checklist to ensure that the student is enrolled in a course suitable to his/her needs, abilities, and study/career goals, and to recommend appropriate learning or other support.

Please Note: Enrolment officer will take holistic approach while assessing student’s answers during Pre-Training Review by ensuring that all the answers provided by students aligns with their educational and future goals.
Enrolment officer will have a thorough discussion with the student and offer support or guidance if required.

Application Rejection

Student’s Application will be rejected if:

  • Student does not have the appropriate work experience, level of skills and the ability to undertake the course successfully.
  • Enrolment in the course is not aligned with student’s educational goals, work/career goals and/or previous experience in that particular area (if any).
  • Student does not meet the entry requirements specified for the course including English requirements, academic requirements, age, and does not have the ability to undertake this course successfully.
  • Student does not have appropriate listening and oral communication skills as interpreted during PTR Interview.
    Enrolment officer will inform the student before cancelling and discuss reasons for cancellation.
    Students are requested to fill all the questions provided in this form below. If any doubt arises, please contact AEC administration on 03 9088 6440.
Do you have access to enough information to make an informed decision about your enrolment in this course at AEC? Let us know if you have questions or need more information
Entry requirements for your proposed course for all the qualifications.
Physical fitness & Material and equipment’s required (for all qualifications)
Content of your proposed course
Duration of your proposed course including holidays
Location at which the classes or practical learning will be conducted
Whether or not your course includes a work placement
Delivery method (i.e. classroom based face-to-face/practical learning
How assessment will be conducted during your course.
The requirement for you to undertake assessment of your language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills prior to the commencement to determine any support needs you may have during your study.
*LLN test will be conducted on campus using LLN Robot
Under the supervision of qualified assessors.
Note: LLN Support will be provided using ACSF Support plan for students who need LLN assistance.
Did you get information about indicative course-related fees incurred throughout the course, applicable fund withdrawal policies (refund), course progress/attendance monitoring policy, satisfactory academic performance, assessment information and methods?
“Course progress and Attendance” requirements, procedures for monitoring attendance and course progress.
*Course progress: Students must maintain satisfactory course progress requirements i.e., to be successful in completing or
Are you aware about the institute’s policies and procedures including RPL, internal and external complaints procedures,appeal processes?
Are you aware that the availability of complaints and appeals processes or any such agreement does not remove your rights to take action under the Australia’s consumer protection laws?
Demonstrating competency in at least 50% of the units in a given study period of the studies. *Attendance requirements: Students must maintain satisfactory attendance i.e., maintain a minimum of 80% of the attendance. Students will not be reported on the basis of attendance. However, student’s attendance will be recorded and monitored regularly as per Attendance and Course progress policy. Students will be reported to the DHA via PRISMS if students demonstrate unsatisfactory course progress for two consecutive study periods.
Did you get information about the grounds upon which your enrolment or course may be deferred, suspended or cancelled?
Are you aware about your obligations for study hours commitment & course progress requirements to successfully complete your chosen course & conditions under which you might be reported to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA)?
Have you been advised that, as part of the view or audit of your training, you may:
a. Receive a survey from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and/or an invitation to take part in a project endorsed by a funding body.
b. Be contacted by someone authorised by the funding body and/or the Regulator to talk to you about your training

Where to find this information


Yes (Please tick the relevant box)

No (Please tick the relevant box)

Would you like further information on any of the items listed above?
Are you willing to commit to undertake a minimum of 20 hours of study and work-related assessments as this qualification requires minimum 20 hours of study week?

Enrolment Officer will contact students if students feel that they have not been provided with enough information or if students are not aware of it.
*If you are facing any problem, please give us a call on 03 9088 6440 or send an email on *
Note for Enrolment Officer/Assessor: If students have answered “No” or have not answered the questions in the PTR form, Enrolment officer must provide students with true and accurate information for that particular section so that students can make an informed decision about their enrolment in the courses at AEC.

Suitability of this course for you

1. Reasons for Study
In case of others, please state the reason:
2. Computer and Internet Skills



Do you have regular access to computer devices and the internet connection?
Do you use MS Office applications, e.g., Microsoft Word, Power-point, Excel etc?
Do you find it easy to use search engines such as Google and using the internet in general?
Do you require any kind of computer related support? If yes, please specify below.
3. How is this course able to help you in your future career prospective?
4. What previous experience have you had in an area/ industry directly related to this course?
5. Why did you choose Australian Engineering College as your desired course provider for this course?
6. Do you require any kind of support in English language proficiency? If yes, please specify what kind of support?u003cbru003e*Students are requested to fill up the questions related to English language proficiency mentioned in the application form-Section 2*
7. Do you require any kind of support? If yes, please specify what kind of support?
8. Mode of Study/Learning Style:

Thinking about how you’ll best learn, which method will suit you the best?

9. Do you wish to apply for an RPL?

RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) is a form of assessment that recognises skills and knowledge gained through formal training conducted by industry or education, work experience and life experience.

10.Would you like to apply for CT?

(Credit Transfer) a system whereby successfully completed units of competency contributing towards a degree or diploma can be transferred from one course to another.

Student Declaration

Student Signature Capture
No file chosen
Maximum file size: 3 GB

Important Information for Students

Please read the below given information carefully before signing the application form. Students may contact the institute for any further information or email us at email not yet available. It is advisable to read Student’s handbook for detailed information.

Course Monitoring and Attendance Policy

Australian Engineering College has a Course Monitoring and Attendance Policy which states that the students are required to maintain satisfactory course progress throughout the course. Students are also required to attend their classes and maintain 80% of attendance throughout the course.
Low attendance implies that students might not be able to complete their course on time and this will lead to students breaching their visa conditions. Hence, students are required to attend classes in accordance with course timetables to make satisfactory course progress. Students will be reported on the basis of unsatisfactory course progress for two consecutive study periods to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Satisfactory course Progress:

where a student is able to meet course progress requirements for a study period as identified in the Training and Assessment Strategy for each course. Satisfactory course progress is defined as successfully completing or demonstrating competency in at least 50% of the units in a given study period.
Hence, students are required to attend classes in accordance with course timetables to make satisfactory course progress.
Under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and the National Code 2018, AEC is required to report the students on the basis of unsatisfactory course progress (failing to complete at least 50% of units for two consecutive study periods) to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) via PRISMS. If you continue to fail the course progress requirements for two consecutive study periods, you will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs.
Note: Students will not be reported on the basis of attendance. However, low attendance may lead to unsatisfactory course progress which can lead to you being reported to DHA.

If an overseas student is not attending scheduled classes, but is making satisfactory progress in their course, then the course duration set may not be suitable for that student—because this may mean that they already have the skills, knowledge and experience to progress in their course without receiving structured training.
Institute will reduce the duration of the course to the minimum duration required, given the student’s existing skills and knowledge, while maintaining a minimum of 20 scheduled course contact hours per week.

Fee Payment

a) 50% of the fees must be paid in advance before the commencement of the course for confirmation of enrolment at the Institute.

b) Students are not required to pay more than 50% of the total course fees upfront as stated in the offer letter before the start of the course. However, students can pay more than 50% if they wish to do so. Any amount of fees paid before the start of the course will be reflected on the Confirmation of Enrolment (COE).

c) The remaining 50% balance of tuition fees can be paid midway of the course. All students are required to understand and sign the fees agreement which states the amount with the due date.

e) Tuition fees will be payable to the Institute by a bank draft or telegraphic transfer (or other approved payment options) in Australian dollars as agreed by the Institute.

f) Student must pay their fee directly to Australian Engineering College (AEC). Student should not pay the fee to the agent and/ or third party in relation to the application for enrolment.

Reminder letter

In case the student's payment fails on a particular month, a friendly email reminder along with the first warning letter will be issued to the student after 7 working days of the date when the student has missed the payment i.e., 7 working days after the "due date". Students may also be informed via phone call or post for initial reminder.
After sending the first warning letter, if the student fails to make the payment again and does not communicate with the accounts/admin department, a second warning letter will be issued to the student after 7 Working days of sending the first warning letter. Students will be provided with 7 more working days to make the payment or to request for an extension. Students may call AEC on 03 9088 6440 for any further enquiries

g) If a student fails to make the payment of the outstanding fees even after a final notice and/or email, “Intention to cancel Enrolment” letter will be sent to the student. Student’s enrolment will be cancelled after 20 working days of final notice. The suspension of enrolment will cause following restrictions to apply:
i. Loss of access to the institute library service, Learning Management System, classroom, computer system including internet and others.
ii. Loss of access to enrolment records, results and academic certificates.
iii. Inability to attend any classes where this may result in students having to repeat missed work and/units.
The student has the right to appeal against the decision from the date of letter. Refer to complaints and appeal policy for information available on AEC’s website.
If the student decides to appeal against the decision, his/her enrolment will be kept active until both internal and external appeal process is completed.

h) If students choose not to appeal against the Institute’s decision and makes no further payment or do not contact the Institute concerning their debt, their enrolment may be cancelled, and the student will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs for non-payment of fees.

i) If student decides to not appeal against the decision and accepts to pay the fees, then students will be required to pay the full dues along with late fee of $50 per week.

j) An additional fee for re-assessments will be applicable as:
Students will be given total 3 attempts including 1 original, first two reassessment attempts will be free of cost; however, reassessment fee for the third reassessment will incur a fee of $300.
Cost of reassessment will be as follows:

  • 1st Original submission: Free of cost
  • 2nd Reassessment fee: Free of cost
  • 3rd Reassessment fee: 300

If student fails in the 3rd reassessment, then students will have to repeat unit. Repeat unit fee- $300.

k) Students who enroll in additional courses will be required to pay a separate tuition fee as specified for the course.

l) Tuition fee charged to the student will remain the same provided the student remains enrolled in the same course. If the student transfers the course, tuition fee for the transferred course will be applied.

Please Note: Fees are subject to change without prior notice. However, fees will remain the same once the student is enrolled into a course. Students are advised to contact student administration for updated fees and charges.

m) If student’s visa status changes (e.g., becomes a temporary or permanent resident), student will continue to pay full overseas student fees for the duration of the enrolled program.

n) Institute reserves the right to engage in any third party to recover any outstanding fees payable to the Institute. The cost incurred to the Institute for engaging a third party to recover such outstanding fees will be charged to the student.

0) Institute applies the following procedures to ensure all students are treated fairly and with integrity when applying for refunds.

p) All refunds applications will be submitted to the student administration department and the following procedures will be followed in assessing the application.

q) All ‘refunds’ will be approved by the Accounts Officer and the applications will be processed within 10 working days of the application being placed.

Refund of Tuition fees

A student who wishes to apply for a refund of tuition fees in accordance with this refund policy should do so by filling up a Refund Application form available at Institute’s reception or on the AEC website at and submit with other supporting documents at the location mentioned below:
Accounts Officer
Australian Engineering College,
Suite 1, Level 5, 398 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Or email us at

All students’ refunds are conditional; please refer to the course refund table below for details:

Refund circumstancesRefund of tuition fees paidRefund of material feesApplication Fee
Withdrawal at least 12 full weeks or more prior to agreed start date.100%100%No refund
Withdrawal between 6 to 11 full weeks prior to the agreed start date.50%100%No refund
Withdrawal in 5 full weeks or lessNo refundNo refundNo refund
Withdrawal after the course start dateNo refundNo refundNo refund
Course withdrawn by the institute100%100%100%
Application rejected by the Institute100%100%No refund
The course is not provided fully to the student because the Institute has a sanction imposed by a government regulator.Refund of unused portion of tuition fees for future termsNo refundNo refund
Visa refused prior to the course commencementTotal amount of the pre-paid fees received by AEC for the course in respect of the student course less the following amount
(a) 5% of the total amount of pre-paid fees that the provider received in respect of the student for the course before the default day; or
(b) a maximum sum of $500
whichever is lesser
Visa is refused after the commencement of the studies due to not meeting visa requirementsThe refund amount = weekly tuition fee x the number of weeks in the default period
a. The weekly tuition fee = total tuition fee for the course / number of calendar days in the course x 7. This amount is rounded up to the nearest whole dollar.
b. The number of weeks in the default period = number of calendar days from the default day to the end of the period to which the payment relates/7
No refundNo refund
RPL feeNo refund if the ‘Statement of Attainment' is providedNo refundNo refund
Visa refused due to submission of the fraudulent documents by or on behalf of the studentNo refundNo refundNo refund
Withdrawal from the course without notification or breaching their visa conditionsNo refundNo refundNo refund
Visa cancelled due to actions of the studentNo refundNo refundNo refund
Student abandons the courseNo refundNo refundNo refund
The Institute cancels an enrolment due to serious student misconductNo refundNo refundNo refund

Note: If a student’s enrolment falls within no refund timelines before the agreed start date of the course and the student decides to withdraw from the course, then there will be no refund.
For example: If a student enrols in week 5 before course start date, he/she will not be eligible for refund if student withdraws from the course as enrolment falls within no refund time period of 5 weeks prior to the agreed start date of the course.


AEC will provide applicants a 7-day cooling off period. This means that if a student accepts the offer letter to study at AEC and pays AEC relevant course fees as per the signed agreement. If the student changes their mind (for any reason), a full refund of course fees paid till date will be provided. Students must notify AEC in writing within 7 days of the signed agreement date.


a. Any student who is refused for a refund by the Institute may appeal within 20 working days in writing to the student Accounts Officer and follow the complaints and appeal process of AEC.
b. The Institute’s appeal process does not restrict the student’s right to pursue other legal avenues.
The written agreement and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.

Timeline for refund

It is to be noted that refund will be made available to students differently based on the student’s default and providers (AEC) default.
i. In case of Student default: Refund will be paid within the period of 20 working days after receiving written notification/claim from student and relevant forms duly signed by the student.
ii. In case of Provider’s (AEC) default: Refund will be paid within the period of 14 days after cessation of the course.
Please refer to detailed information on fee payment and refunds on the Fee payment and Refund policy available on AEC’s website or student’s handbook.

Tuition Protection Services

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist international students whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. The TPS ensures that international students are able to either:

  • complete their studies in another course or with another education provider or
  • receive a refund of their unspent tuition fee
    For more information, please visit

Media Consent

From time to time, AEC staff may request to take photographs/videos or verbal/written interviews/testimonials of students at AEC or at places where the student is involved in an activity. These creations may be used in a classroom, or for activities or could be published by AEC in print, digital or broadcast media such as documents, the website, YouTube, social media platforms, newsletters, displays, professional development materials for trainers and marketing collateral. Staff may also at times request that students provide any of the above of the students’ own creation for the same purposes.

Media Consent withdrawal option

You have the right to refuse the use of your image or work. You may also decline the media consent by choosing “no consent” option below or withdraw your consent any time by sending an email or contacting AEC student administration.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

AEC has student’s “Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure” to provide students with a fair and equitable process for resolving any disputes or complaints they may have. After completing AEC’s informal and formal complaints processes, a student dissatisfied with the outcome may lodge an internal appeal. If dissatisfied with the outcome, the student may lodge an appeal externally i.e., request mediation through the Commonwealth Ombudsman, which is free of cost. It is important that the student refers to a detailed complaints and appeals procedure in student’s handbook. Alternatively, it can be obtained from the Administration or viewed at website
IMP NOTE: The Commonwealth Ombudsman is a free and independent service (phone 1300 362 072).
Examples of an external or independent body or person may include:

  • Private conciliators or dispute resolution counselors
  • A complaints and appeals body established by a peak industry body
  • Representatives of Commonwealth and state or territory government departments including the Office of the Training Advocate; or
  • Commonwealth and state or territory offices of the Ombudsman may be the appropriate body for a public provider.

The Commonwealth Ombudsman

The Commonwealth Ombudsman investigates complaints about problems that overseas students have with private education and training in Australia. The Ombudsman’s services are free, independent and impartial. You can find out more about this service on their website:

Privacy Notice

Personal information may be collected and disclosed to relevant bodies which may include verification of a student's previous qualifications, Commonwealth and State Agencies and Department of Home affairs regarding change in enrolment details or in case of a breach of the visa conditions such as unsatisfactory course progress.
Australian Engineering College (AEC) will endeavor to take all the reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Australian Engineering College stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering student enrolment and education. The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements.
Information is collected on this form and during your enrolment in order to meet the obligations of Institute under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2018; and to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019 and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and training to Overseas Students 2018. Information collected about you on this form and during your enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Protection Scheme and the TPS Director. In other instances, information collected on this form or during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by the law.
Under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements) Instrument 2020, AEC is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this application form, USI and your training activity data) may be used or disclosed by AEC for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. AEC may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

  • Employer – if you are enrolled in training for industry placement Commonwealth and State or
    Territory government departments and authorised agencies;
  • NCVER;
  • Organisations conducting student surveys; and
  • Researchers.
    Personal information that has to be disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:
    ● Issuing statements of attainment or qualification, and populating authenticated VET transcripts;
    ● Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;
    ● pre-populating student’s application/enrolment forms.
    ● Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
    ● Administering VET, including programme administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
    You may receive an NCVER student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third-party contractor. Please note that you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.
    NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

Access, correction and complaints

You have the right to seek access to or correction of your own personal information. You may also complain if you believe your privacy has been breached. Complaints and Appeals policy and procedures is available on AEC’s website and can also be made available from the reception.

Emergency Medical Indemnity


also authorise AEC or their representative to obtain Medical Treatment in the event of an emergency. I indemnify AEC or their representative.

Unique Student Identifier

If you wish for Australian Engineering College (AEC) to create a USI on your behalf, be aware of the following:
AEC will collect information about you for the purpose of creating a USI, this information is collected under the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
This information can only be used for:

  • Applying, verifying and giving a USI
  • Resolving problems with a USI; and
  • Creating authenticated vocational education and training (VET) transcripts;
    This information may be shared with:
  • Commonwealth and State/Territory government departments and agencies and statutory bodies performing functions relating to VET for:
  • The purpose of administering and auditing VET, VET providers and VET programs;
  • Education related policy and research purposes; and
  • To assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies
  • VET regulators to enable them to perform their VET regulatory functions;
  • VET admissions Bodies for the purpose of administering VET and VET programs,
  • Current and former Registered Training Organisations to enable them to deliver VET courses to individual, meet their reporting obligations under the VET standards and government contracts and assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies;
  • Institute/Schools for the purpose of delivering VET courses to the individual and reporting on these courses;
  • The National Centre for Vocational Education Research for the purpose of creating authenticated VET transcripts, resolving problems with USIs and the collection, preparation and auditing of national VET statistics;
  • Researchers for education and training related research purposes;
  • Any other person or agency that may be authorised or required by law to access the information;
  • Any entity contractually engaged by the Student Identifies Registrar to assist in the performance of his or her functions in the administration of the USI system; and
    Will not be disclosed without your consent unless authorised or required by or under law.
    If you would like us (AEC) to apply for a USI on your behalf, you must authorise us to do so (refer to USI section mentioned above in the application and declare that you have read the privacy information at You must also provide some additional information as noted below so that we can apply for a USI on your behalf.
    Students will be required to fill up USI Application form during induction prior to the course commencement.